Upgrade your treatment menu with Salonserve Pre-Blended Oils

Expand your massage menu

Nothing beats a massage to escape the hustle of the outside world and supplementing your standard beauty menu with personalised massages is a great way to make your clients feel cared for and pampered.

However, many salons and therapists may shy away from offering this popular service for fear of expensive oils or costly aromatherapy qualifications. Well, we have got you covered!

Provide a personalised treatment

Our expertly blended range of oils make it simple for you to provide a menu of personalised, aromatic massages to suit every client’s mood and demand. From targeted treatments to the ultimate in pampering, the 13 fragrant oils are pre-blended for your convenience without the price tag of manual mixing. Make your massage count and keep your clients coming back for more.

Our most popular oil

Why not try our most popular pre-blend, ‘Relax’? This calm-inducing oil contains geranium, clary-sage, ylang-ylang, lavender and petit-grain essential oils. The properties are endless; geranium is an antiseptic and antifungal oil; clary sage is a calming stress relieving oil, while ylang-ylang oil has soothing and anxiety relieving properties.

Soothe aching muscles

If your client is looking to relieve those aches and pains, ‘Muscle Relief’ is a godsend for the tension associated with rigorous exercise, this creation is a powerhouse blend, based on grapeseed oil packed with pure oils it works to ease stiff and aching muscles and joints. The sweet-smelling medical aroma of eucalyptus reduces muscle pain, while wintergreen and rosemary deliver anti-inflammatory properties, helping to drain toxins and rejuvenate fatigued bodies and minds.

For the yummy mummies to be

When pregnant it’s important to be pampered whilst knowing the blend is safe for little ones. The ‘Mother To Be’ oil does just that. Soothe yummy mummies to be with the calming properties of ginger, also known to reduce nausea and vomiting as well as aiding circulation to reduce inflammation and common swelling. Petitgrain helps with the complaints of exhaustion and insomnia, while its properties also work to clear blemishes and battle the effects of hormonal skin. Sweet orange and mandarin will supplement depleted energy levels and give lift to aching muscles. Whilst super moisturising grapeseed will work wonders on stretching skin.

Leave the mixing to us

With 13 carefully created pre-blended oils to chose from, you will be spoilt for choice! We’ve got the perfect starter kit to get you going to discover your favourites scents and blends. At only £24.95, the kit includes 13 x 50ml bottles so you can experience every one of our pre-blended delights.

Leave the mixing to us and get set with a ready-to-go massage oil creation!

Please note our 225ml massage oils no longer come with a pump as we are trying to reduce plastic waste. For the corresponding pump, please see product code: D.

Click here to shop pre-blended massage oils

Article by Leigh-Ann Keddie

Leigh-Ann is our Marketing Coordinator and Content Writer here at Salonserve Hair and Beauty Supplies Limited.

Read more articles by Leigh-Ann Keddie